First time assembling a Gundam AGE series model. And this-Zedas, is by far the coolest mobile suit in the series.(in my opinion.) I used the same color scheme i did with my OVERFLAG-Chrome+Metallic black...The effect is still that stagerring. Here is a gallery of the little draco.
Its been really a while since I last wrote a blog about myself. Well, life's really busy. Busy with lots of events in my Institute. The chairperson of school anniversary, Designer of loads of posters and videos. But there's a special achievement that i really enjoy.
Two months ago i downloaded Final Cut Pro X. Many professional editor claimed it to be "unprofessional", or just an iMovie Pro. For me it's the beginning of my advanced video-editing. User-friendly layout, loads of functions, effects, transitions, titles make my day.
The Project: "Christmas Party Promotional Video"
I'm not clear about the works beforehand.
Before asked to be the video-editor, i knew nothing much except it's some story based on <Mr and Mrs Smith>. And the two main actors are our school's freshmen.
The video-recording man's our school's Photography Club's President.
He's someone who you can really trust. Every of his recording works are greatly done.
Yea, all of these are brilliant source for my FCPX maiden edit-work. I get to test-out color filters that i've learnt via many online sources (thanks to FinalCutking on Youtube for all his tutorials)
Here are some of the concepts worth considering before applying filters:
Emotional:[Dark] make it blue or bluish green.
Action:[Moderate light] Make it yellowish green with some bleach bypass.
NightClub:[Darken the shadows] Orange
Romantic:[Really bright] make it a bit yellow
It was not smooth at first. The RAW files are massive. My Macbook (2009model) can't stand the "original media" import. It lags like hell until i changed it to proxy playback and proxy media import.
After hours and days of work with the director, the video's finally published!
Quite satisfied, as this is my maiden FCPX work. Really great response from freshmens and seniors who watched it.
I'm not sure with my own video-editing career's future. But being a medical student, this' just gonna be my hobby instead.
In my last post I showed my unfinished GNX custom painted...and how i would like it to be something like Shinkirou. Well its completed! and here's a gallery of the masterpiece...
There are loots of flaws for the paint job this time....but overall, this is my personal success!
Last month i had a craze of buying HG Gundams. Its really cheap...a GNX costs about 260NTD in Taiwan. I bought GNX and Delta Plus. And right yesterday, with these tools. i managed to produce yet another of my own latest piece. Custom paint both of them.
These are the tools that i used:
Spray Cans, and the Top Coat Flat spray that i like very much, and markers. the cutter and the glue are for previous assembling usage.
After a few hours of work, i finished painting my GNX's inner frame with the gold marker. It looks marvelous.
It's yet unfinished. I plan to spray its outer armor with Gloss Black.. A bit like the Shinkirou in another mecha series called Lelouch of the Rebellion. This time i really enjoy applying the Flat Top Coat spray. The gunpla plastic become less glossy compared to the original runners. This actually added a more handcrafted-metal-feel instead of plastic toys. Here's an example:
Look at the details of its thigh. Its less glossy than the original plastics. I love Flat-top-coating!! (PS: please ignore the flaws in the photo :D).
I finished the other HG gundam- Delta Plus early. Inspired by Strike Freedom Gundam and Iron man, i painted the Delta plus with a layout out of my expectation. Here's a gallery of the Custom Painted Delta Plus:
(Do notice the metallic Red+ Flat Top Coating Combo Effect!)
The wings are custom painted too
(Just love the Flat Top coating Texture! XD)
And so This is my Version of HG Delta Plus Custom Paint. Yea there are many flaws but well, I'm still an amateur in Gundam Painting and as a first timer, i am quite satisfied with the result here. Next Mission. Plan to repaint my Sinanju MG back home in Malaysia next Winter Holiday!
Ima gonna summarize what i did these few days. Well to be exact, i'm so excited doing the model that i forgot i will have to blog about the whole procedure! Sinanju is exciting out-of-the-box straightaway
I will mention my procedures in a gallery of Photos
This is my "Porcupine" made out of toothpicks. I used it to dry all the painted parts
This is my small plastic cap i used to contain thinner used to dilute the paints.
And of course my "Hobby Toolbox"
The procedure is long and i only managed to post a few photos of it ..these are some runners left on the balcony to be dried after i sprayed them
The upper body part completed
Tadaa! My Sinanju Completed after a really long time
Actually my favourite part of this whole painting job is the rifle. It is painted to look as if the paints on the metal part are starting to wear off
One thing i like about the Sinanju is it's display of boosters. The boosters on its legs are gorgeous when fully displayed in Chrome Silver paints
The back of Sinanju
The head
Sinanju Holding a rifle
The glamorous Shield
The Shield with Beam Axe attached
The Sabers of Sinanju are actually located right in both arms
Too lazy to post too many things. Overall, this is an excitement. enjoyed the experience. The hardest part would have to be the decals. I spend two days doing those decals. Here's some poses of the magnificent Sinanju