Friday, March 30, 2012

Prologue: Gundam GN0000 Qanta:Full Saber

Yesterday was a great after-exam weekend, and of course, i get some of my usual buddies together to the hobby store. Been making decisions for a long time before i decided this to be my next piece:

Gundam 00QT

Yes, I bought a GN Sword IV Full Saber along with my 00QT...and of course a green LED GN drive!!

The GN Sword is not BANDAI made,its BTF (another Japanese figurine manufacturer brand) but its the only one on market..the caps were so stiff that i have to trim off some of the caps to make it in.

It took me 2 hours to finish the GN drive. 
Pros: Flat plastic. No Flat Top Coat required.
Cons:Stiff Caps. 

But yet it look Gorgeous...!

And along with the kit, a [CELESTIAL BEING] souvenir is given.

And a ring which 00QT did the final conversation is also given (Not shown in the pictures~)

Because what i want is the complete GN0000!!

Cant wait to complete the kit!!!

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