Ima gonna summarize what i did these few days. Well to be exact, i'm so excited doing the model that i forgot i will have to blog about the whole procedure! Sinanju is exciting out-of-the-box straightaway
I will mention my procedures in a gallery of Photos
This is my "Porcupine" made out of toothpicks. I used it to dry all the painted parts
This is my small plastic cap i used to contain thinner used to dilute the paints.
And of course my "Hobby Toolbox"
The procedure is long and i only managed to post a few photos of it ..these are some runners left on the balcony to be dried after i sprayed them
The upper body part completed
Tadaa! My Sinanju Completed after a really long time
Actually my favourite part of this whole painting job is the rifle. It is painted to look as if the paints on the metal part are starting to wear off
One thing i like about the Sinanju is it's display of boosters. The boosters on its legs are gorgeous when fully displayed in Chrome Silver paints
The back of Sinanju
The head
Sinanju Holding a rifle
The glamorous Shield
The Shield with Beam Axe attached
The Sabers of Sinanju are actually located right in both arms
Too lazy to post too many things. Overall, this is an excitement. enjoyed the experience. The hardest part would have to be the decals. I spend two days doing those decals. Here's some poses of the magnificent Sinanju
Saber Dash
Assault mode