Tuesday, September 23, 2008

you have to read this!

You must read this...the whole passage!!!!This is true!...两星期前的报纸上宣告完成的超物理加速器!!!

An accelerator, known as the Large Hadron Collider, finished its
construction in an underground circular tunnel nearly 17 miles long at
the world's largest physics laboratory, CERN, near Geneva.

watch this introduction to LHC

At its maximum, each particle beam the collider fires will pack as much
energy as a 400-ton train traveling at 120 mph. By smashing particles
together and investigating the debris, scientists hope to help solve
mysteries such as the origin of mass and why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe.

Each hydrogen proton travels at 99.99%the speed of light......even the tunnel could reach -271'C ..the coldest place in the galaxy....and 10 million billion'C...the hottest place in the universe....

If any of the models are right, the accelerator should create a black
anywhere from every second to every day, each roughly possessing
5,000 times the mass of a proton and each a thousandth of a proton in
size or smaller, Landsberg said.

That means ......

this Large Hadron Collider,......may just causes the extinction of the human kind!!!!

go to this website to see what it may just cause...



♂ said...

tidak faham..

christine said...

this is stupid... the extinction of human kind??? no way..they already said n proved tht there\'s no risk in this experiment.i heard ppl committed suicide after they heard the news. they thought the end of the world is coming. =.= wht bullshit..