Sunday, December 5, 2010

Events: Bits Of memories~

It's a bit weird...
People usually says, do not indulge yourself in the past, and look forward.
But, strange enough, the past had become a motivation for me to go forward.

Sometimes, when i am just bored,
looking at the screen of my Macbook,
logging into Facebook,
and all of a sudden, bits of memories gathered.
I remembered everything,
I remembered how i graduated from CHS
I remembered how happy i was when i got my first job
I remembered how enjoyable it was when i went to Singapore
I remembered how fun it was when Cornelius joined me in my Singapore 2nd tour
I remembered how glad i was when i made the CHS50 Vid
I remembered how sad it was when i parted with all my Sibu friends
I remembered how emo i was when i got screwed in the boot camp
I remembered how hope became a motivation for me

A year had passed. December's coming.....2010, the most meaningful year of my life, is coming to 25 days countdown.

Sometimes, it was fun being emo....
It erases all my current troubles~
And plumped me into pools of pictures, videos
that may results tears of sadness or happiness.

Have great time enjoying being Emo^^~

Next stop, im gonna blog about all my travels in Taiwan....

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